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Spare parts for imported and domestic tillage machinery, manufactured by “Bellota” (Spain). Disk harrows


Disk harrows are designed for surface tillage to include soil turning and soil mixing operations. The heaviest harrows, equipped with larger disks, can be used for basic cultivation instead of mould-board plows. The area of application also includes tillage of both cereal crops and fruits and vegetables. In addition to standard tilling operations (such as application of fertilizers, weed cutting and etc.), disk harrows may be used for specific works:
• Crushing and mixing of crop residues. The task is to improve their burial by mixing residues with the top soil.
• Soil preparation with formation of seedbeds.
• Removal of weeds due to lateral displacements of soils.

Range of disks, curved inwards, for disk harrows BD, BDM, BDT:

Solid Cut-out (Chamomile-shaped)

More detailed information can be obtained in the catalogue Bellota.